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Workshop on Future Opportunities in Fruits, Vegetables, Medicinal & Aromatic crops and Post-harvest Processing in the Kodagu district

ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kodagu under the District Administration initiative, in collaboration with Department of Agriculture and ATMA, Kodagu conducted a one day workshop on 5th April 2021 on Future Opportunities in fruits, vegetables, medicinal & aromatic crops and post-harvest processing Kodagu district. The programme was inaugurated by Prof P.G. Chengappa, Ex Vice Chancellor, UAS-Bengaluru . Dr. M.R. Dinesh, Director, ICAR- IIHR, Bengaluru presided over the function. A team of scientists from IIHR Dr. C.K. Narayana, Dr. S.S. Hebbar, Dr. H.C. Prasanna and Dr. Senthil Kumaran also participated in the workshop and made presentations on technologies.

In the programme eighteen scientists and experts, eight officials from department of Agriculture and Horticulture, four FPO representatives and fourteen farmers participated. There were two sessions namely “a) Possible avenues for Sustainable Coffee based mixed cropping system in Kodagu and b) Way forward for Post-harvest opportunities, and Organic Farming”. In the first session following topics were covered: • Possible avenues for sustainable Coffee Based mixed cropping system in Kodagu • Scope of Medicinal, Aromatic crops in Kodagu district • Technologies including varieties and Hybrids for commercialisation in Kodagu district In the second session following topics were covered : • Post-Harvest Technologies and machineries for horticultural crops focussing on Avocado and Jackfruit • Novel techniques for organic processing of fruits and vegetables • Value addition and Marketing of Agri product • Importance of soil microbiology in sustainable agriculture In the concluding session there was a Panel Discussion with all the farmers and experts contributing their ideas.