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Front Line Demonstrations(FLDs) - 2022-23

Frontline Demonstrations to establish production potential of technologies on the farmers’ fields.

Category/Crop or enterprise Technologies Demonstrated No. of Demo
Black Pepper Demonstration of Pepper Var. Arka Coorg Excel for consistent yield and better quality 10
Cardamom Demonstration of cardamom var. IISR Avinash 5
Yard long bean Demonstration of Yard long bean var. Arka Mangala 10
Cucumber Demonstration of ICM in Cucumber (Bhagamanda Local) for higher yield 10
Paddy Demonstration of Red rice variety Sahyadri Kempu Mukti 10
Brinjal Demonstration of ICM in Local Brinjal for higher yield 10
Soil Demonstration of P- Solubilizers to enhance the P- uptake for higher income from Coffee 10
Coffee Integrated management of premature fruit drop in Coffee 10
Ginger Integrated Disease Management in Ginger 10
Black Pepper Integrated Crop Management in unproductive Black Pepper vines for higher yield 10
Piggery Demonstration on Management of Ascariasis and Piglet Anaemia in piglets 10
Dairy Integrated Approaches for Dairy calf management 10
Total 110
Demonstration of ICM in Cucumber
Demonstration of ICM in Cucumber for higher yield
Demonstration of ICM in Local Brinjal
Demonstration of ICM in Local Brinjal for higher yield
Integrated Approaches for  Dairy calf management
Integrated Approaches for Dairy calf management
Demonstration on Management of Ascariasis and Piglet Anaemia in piglets
Demonstration on Management of Ascariasis and Piglet Anaemia in piglets
emonstration of P Solubilizers to enhance the P uptake
Demonstration of P Solubilizers to enhance the P uptake for higher income from Coffee
ICM in unproductive Black Pepper vines for higher yield
Integrated Crop Management in unproductive Black Pepper vines for higher yield