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ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gonikoppal, Kodagu in collaboration with DATC, Kodagu and ATMA, Kodagu conducted online training programme Scientific Black pepper cultivation using the Zoom online platform on 10th July 2020. Dr. Saju George, Principal Scientist and Head, KVK, Kodagu express in his inaugural address about make use of these webinar for further strengthening of existing Black pepper plantations. Earlier Mrs. Gouri, Assistant Director, DATC, Kodagu welcome the participants. Mr. Devaiah, K.A, Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture), ICAR-KVK, Kodagu explained in detailed about improved practices like variety selection, different nursery methods, importance irrigation, shade management and Integrated Nutrient management in Black pepper. Mr. Veerendra Kumar K.V, Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection), ICAR-KVK, Kodagu explained about plant Protection measures to be followed in Black Pepper with identification of pest and diseases in Black pepper and their Integrated management practices with shared power point presentation.

100 participants from the Kodagu district and also neighbouring districts participated in the online session. At the end of the programme interaction session was conducted by Mr. Devaiah K.A and Mr.Veerendra Kumar K.V along with Dr.Saju George, Principal Scientist and Head, KVK,Kodagu. Many participants appreciated the efforts of KVK in organizing webinar programme for the benefit of farming community and requested to have similar programmes in the future.