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Sponsored Training programme on Crop and livestock Management for Sustainable Farming for the Tibetean settlement of Bylukoppa, Kushalnagar

ICAR-KVK Gonikoppal conducted one day training programme on Crop and livestock management for sustainable farming for the Tibetan settlement of Bylukoppa on 8th August, 2019. The programme was sponsored by Agricultural Extension division of Central Tibetean Relief Committee, Dharamshala. 64 farmers along with extension officer Mr. Tenzin Choenyi participated in the programme. Smt. Sahana Hegde SMS (Agrometeorology) welcomed the farmers. Later the following training sessions were conducted:

• KVK activities for doubling farmers income by Dr. Saju George, PS and Head, KVK• Shade and Fertilizer management, Bush management in Coffee by Mr. K.A Devaiah SMS (Horticulture)• Propagation & Management techniques in Black Pepper, Management practices for vegetable crops by Mr.B. Prabhakar, SMS (Horticulture)• Oyster Mushroom cultivation for self-employment and entrepreneurship by Dr. Somshekar, SMS (Plant Breeding)• Scientific Livestock management by Dr. S.C Suresh SMS (Livestock) The farmers well appreciated the training programme and were actively involved in the programme.