A training programme on mushroom cultivation was organised for 50 women SC farmers on 15th March at ICAR- Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gonikoppal in collaboration with ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru under SCSP programme of ICAR- IIHR. The farmers had come from the villages of Virajpet, Balale, Maldare and Kushalnagar from different talukas of the Kodagu district. Dr. Saju George, Principal Scientist and Head welcomed all the guests and farmers to the programme and briefed about the programme. Mr. Shivamurthy, Assistant Director of Agriculture, Virajpet Taluk inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp jointly with other dignitaries. In his inaugural address briefed about the importance of mushroom cultivation on human health. Dr. C. K. Narayana, CEO, BESST-Hort and Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru spoke about the role of BESST-Hort in start up support for development of horticultural technologies.
Dr. G. Senthil Kumaran, Principal Scientist, Division of Post Harvest Technology and Agricultural Engineering spoke about the horticultural machinery suitable for Mushroom cultivation. Dr. B. N.S. Murthy, Director, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru joined online and briefed about the importance and further strengthening of the training programme in the coming years for women empowerment with suitable institute horticulture-based technologies with KVK. Shri. Prabhakar, SMS (Horticulture.), spoke about the Scientific cultivation of mushroom technologies, various benefits of mushroom and the different types of mushrooms available in the market. Shri. Veerendrakumar, K.V. SMS (Plant Protection) briefly explained about quality spawn production. Smt. Rashmi Bhanuprakash highlighted the possibilities of Value addition in mushroom. Method demonstration of mushroom cultivation was conducted by Smt. Veena for the benefit of the participants. Training certificate, Ready to Fruit Mushroom bags and mushroom spawn was distributed to all the participants at the end of the programme. Dr. Harish, SMS (Agro-metrology) proposed the vote of thanks.